About CVC
We like to think of our vision as a way we share our heart and passion as a church with those around us. It’s the desired future we want to help people reach! For CVC our vision is that every person we serve could: Live empowered and find connection.
We focus on helping people apply scripture in simple and practical ways so they can live in greater joy and freedom.
We focus on unpacking how the good news forges greater connection; with God, ourselves and others. No matter what walk of life you are from, we want you to feel like you belong.
We focus on pairing our faith with action that aligns with the great commission of Jesus. We want you to feel encouraged and comfortable inviting your friends and family to CVC.
01. Honor
We work to build and operate in a culture of honour. A culture of honour is where we are intentional with valuing and celebrating who a person is, above who they are not. In other words, we do not focus on someone’s flaws, limitations or their behaviours we may disagree with.
02. Fun
We believe that God wants us to enjoy and celebrate the life he has given us. One of the best gifts God gives us is laughter and he enjoys it when we gather as a church family to celebrate together.
03. Freedom
Where God’s spirit is there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17). We provide an environment where people have the freedom to make mistakes and be themselves. It’s not about the do’s and don’ts, but forging authentic relationships where we champion one another’s identity in Christ.
04. Safety
We work to create an environment that protects the physical and emotional safety of every individual. An environment where people can find help and support instead of condemnation, judgement or criticism. Freedom and fun never come at the expense of safety.
What we believe
For those who don’t like reading lots of details, here are our core beliefs about God, Jesus and the Christian faith:
• That Jesus Christ is the answer: the solution to all our problems.
• That God loves, values, and wants to have a restored relationship with everyone, no matter what they have done
• That the way to a restored relationship is freely available to all by acknowledging that our good works will never be good enough, and that Jesus not only was perfect on our behalf, but also paid for every sin we would commit. Salvation comes by placing your trust in Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
• That eventually all those who choose to reject him or place their trust in their own good works will have to be judged for their sin, and that, like it or not, Heaven and Hell are real, literal places.
• That the Bible is God’s inspired Word to us, and full of wisdom, instruction and truth. Furthermore, the Bible is a revelation of Jesus.
• That the power of the Holy Spirit can change us from the inside out, heal our hurts, restore our relationships, and put us back on the path to wholeness.
• That the power of God is still working today. This means miracles do happen, and Jesus still heals the sick, releases the captives and binds up the broken-hearted.
• That Jesus is coming back to the earth soon, bringing both judgement and liberation.