follow jesus
Becoming a
Follower of Jesus
We like to say following Jesus is about a relationship, not a religion. We believe that Jesus paved the way for us to enter back into relationship with God. Jesus himself said:
I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, then you will know my Father as well. – John 14:6
And the really good news is that this path Jesus made is open to everyone. No matter who you are or what you have done, Jesus has invited you into relationship because he loves you!
So how do I become a Christian?
It’s actually much more simple than you might think. The scriptures say:
If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. – Romans 10:9
That’s it. Believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, God raise him from the dead, and that your sins are forgiven and you a Christian. Your relationship with God has begun.
But don’t I have to be a better person first?
It may seem hard to believe, but no you don’t. Scriptures say that we love God because her first loved us. This means that we change because we are loved, not for it. Over time as we continue to trust in God and grow in our relationship, His love changes us from the inside out. Through Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection, he took all of your wrong and gave you all of his right. Placing your trust in Jesus is the most life-changing journey will you will ever experience and we can’t wait to help you on that journey. If you placed your trust in Jesus we would love to hear from you!
Read your bible
“We like to say that following Jesus is a relationship, not a religion. In any relationship there needs to be communication, which is why reading the Bible is so important. The Bible is a powerful way God speaks to us, and when paired with fellowship with other believers and prayer (talking to God) it helps our faith come alive! Some ways for you to get started in scripture include:
- Downloading a Bible app on your phone
- Come to our bookstore on a Sunday AM service for a free hardcopy Bible on us!
We recommend starting with the gospel of John, then reading Romans.”
Get Baptized
Baptism is something Christians have been doing for thousands of years to symbolize their faith as a public declaration. Even if you were baptized as an infant we would be happy to baptize you again. This time as your choice! If you would like to get baptized please contact us at: info@cvchurch.ca