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One Million Meals


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CVC is putting a team together to help package highly nutritious, life-saving meals to the hungry, starving and malnourished within Canada and developing countries around the world by mobilizing the energy and caring of Canadian youth and adults on behalf of those in need.

We have the opportunity and challenge to package 50,112 highly nutritious meals for people struggling with hunger around the world and right here in our neighbourhood. This will be our 6th annual event toward our goal of packaging one million meals for people in need.

The goal of this event is to engage the people of Peterborough to make a difference in the lives of others. In order to do this, we will provide and volunteer to package One Million Meals using Kids Against Hunger Canada’s model of food packaging. We would like individuals from various social, religious, sport, scholastic, business and municipal groups to form teams who will engage in friendly competition to assemble as many meals as they can in a two hour period.

This will be a fun, enthusiastic and meaningful opportunity for the citizens of Peterborough to positively impact the lives of others! Won’t you join us for this excellent opportunity to make a major difference in the lives of others?

One Million Meals is being held at the

Kids Against Hunger Canada Warehouse

– 649 The Parkway, Unit 5 in Peterborough

March 27

Pizza and ice cream fellowship

April 3

Sunday Service